TEAM 5 LADY FURY (34527) - Football Team - 34527
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TEAM 5 LADY FURY (34527)
Upcoming games
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Upcoming games
There are no games to display.
Latest Announcements
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Latest Announcements
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Recent Game Result
  game   TEAM 2 PURPLE CRUSH TBALL (34524)
Fri, Jun 03 2022 07:15 PM   CHALLENGER FIELD
Score: 5 - 2
Result: Win  
Recent Game Result
  game   TEAM 2 PURPLE CRUSH TBALL (34524)
Fri, Jun 03 2022 07:15 PM   CHALLENGER FIELD
Score: 5 - 2
Result: Win  
Upcoming Practice
There are no practice sessions to display.
Upcoming Practice
There are no practice sessions to display.
Team Staff
Justin Navarre
Head Coach

Team Staff
Justin Navarre
Head Coach

# Tournament Bracket Name Position Points Earned
No records available